About Us


The idea behind QwickAnalytics was simple: as voracious researchers of banks, we wanted a tool to easily understand and compare the financial health and performance of a community bank.

Couldn’t find one. 

Sure, we knew we could take advantage of the wealth of public information available on community banks, but we all know that isn’t as easy as it sounds - the information is not user friendly and kind of overwhelming.

Our goal was to put a bank’s performance into (1) a digestible and insightful format that can identify trends over time, and (2) put that performance into context against its peers, both UBPR and custom peer groups, and (3) make it fast and easy.

It worked!

As our community bank friends saw what we had created internally and wanted in, we realized we should make the same tools affordable for banks of all sizes, and useful for their management, directors, advisors and investors.

Voila:  QwickAnalytics.

LET US SHOW YOU JUST HOW EASY IT REALLY IS. Sign up for a demo today

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Complete the form to schedule a date/time that works for you or call 800.285.8626.
